CIID Design and Ethics

16 min readJun 12, 2020


ソフトウェアエンジニアが CIID の IDP コース(15週目)に参加して学んだことをゆるりと共有します。今回(6/8~6/12)はデザインに対する倫理学でした。先週はフィジカルだったのに、今週は倫理と思考の振り幅にびっくりした週でした。正直僕自身がまだよく分かっていないので、内容もフワついているかもしれません。

13, 14週目の記事もあるので良かったら読んでみてください。

Day 66: Designing the Context


Ethical values






Day 67: Futurecasting

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash


Hope and Worry



次に、この Hope と Worry を含むように、色々な視点で未来の状況を説明する文章を約400単語で書きました。


Day 68: Ethics

Photo by Avery Evans on Unsplash




この9つの中から、両親のジレンマとして、「Consequentialism」「Moral Relativism」「Rights Approach」に注目して、3つのストーリーボードを作成しました。それぞれ、「データの安全性と幼児の健康」「幼児の最適な育児と他の幼児とのコミュニケーション欠如」「家庭内の育児に費やす時間の男女平等化」を倫理的にストーリーボードに描き起こしました。

Day 69: Storytelling

Photo by Nong Vang on Unsplash




The year is 2050. The air is consistently at unhealthy levels in most of the large cities around the globe. London city is reliving exposure worse than the great smog of 1952.
Movement that is not based on human energy is taxed at a rate of 400% as governments seek to drastically reduce carbon emissions.
People rarely leave the safety of their homes or airtight communities. It’s like COVID-19 of 2020. However, now distributed working is commonplace.
Global population has peaked and is on decline. Government has issued mandatory smart ID bands to its citizens for public health diagnostics and services.
A number of private companies have started selling products with additional features, such as the product “white” which is retailing to families with newborn infants.

White includes the capability to connect to an autonomous nanny bot that is capable of:
- Feeding and colic
- Removing soiled diapers, spray cleaning and sanitising
- Entertainment and lulling a baby to sleep
Just picture for a minute- you’re cooped up inside with your partner, working from home — day in, day out — and you have a newborn to care for. The first few weeks were tiring and everything turned to a haze but thankfully your white device has arrived.
You are awakened to the sound of your baby crying to be fed in the middle of the night. Startled at first, you move to get up, but then realise that your new “white” device has been set to handle the night time feeds.
A gentle hum starts as the feeder warms up the expressed milk. The crib starts to glow with luminescence, cooing and rocking. The feeder gently lowers and your baby starts to suckle.
Your baby translator glows signaling blue — he has attached and is content. You feel a gentle pulse on your wrist, ebbing you softly to sleep. You rest assured knowing that your special meal time with you baby is all yours in the morning.

The AutoCare industry has seen a boom in recent years. Companies with a focus on re-population have started to deploy the technology and setup ‘baby salons’.
Young pups are kept on a carousel at a even speed, gently rocking back and forth. Each baby has its personalised “white” wrist identification band that monitors their status. Regular check-ups monitor their voice, heartbeat, movement and expressions .
With these baby salons, prospective parents can adopt babies with greater ease.

Oh, woah! Hold up! Clearly this was just to strike a chord.
We reflected on the consequential ethics of our provocatype. We had some discussion with a mother who said:
- The most stressful part of mothering was understanding what was wrong when my baby was crying…What I really wanted to know was the desire of my baby.
- Honestly I don’t want robot nannies to take care of my son because I want to maintain physical contact, even if I’m exhausted
From our simple discussion with an actual mother we revealed a lot of ethical issues with our provocatype and potential opportunities for a product or service. A simple “translator” is what was asked for.

Sometimes it’s really hard to tell why your baby is crying. It may be because she’s hungry or because she wants to play.
Infants need parents’ touch, smile, hugs and physical contact to develop. We’re thinking this fact will never change and we want to preserve and amplify these interactions.
“White” translates the voice and motion of babies to parents/ caregivers to signal their desires.
If you could understand your baby’s desire, you not only gave proper care but you also feel more fulfilled and happier with your communication. This optimises your time spent sharing care and love.


Day 70: Presentation






Written by Ats

I like building something tangible like touch, gesture, and voice. Ruby on Rails / React Native / Yocto / Raspberry Pi / Interaction Design / CIID IDP alumni

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